Prodigals - The Discerning Life Series
by Thomas B. Grosh IV, D.Min., CMDA Northeast Regional Director
In Stephen A. Macchia’s* chapter on Attentiveness: Spiritual Discernment is Biblical**, I particularly appreciated his consideration of the prodigals. As Steve, Rembrandt’s masterpiece “The Return of the Prodigal Son” has spoken to me in powerful ways. Although I have not seen the original in person, the parable (Luke 15:11-32) in combination with the painting bring thoughts similar to those shared above.
Steve links the abundant life to the way of love:
The abundant life we share with others is not receptivity for personal gain or advantage, but for the sake of Christ’s kingdom being received and released in and through us, in spite of us, and for the sake of others. It’s the both-and-approach, similar to what Jesus refers to in the Great Commandment and the Second Great Commandment: to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves (Mark 12:29-31). The abundant life weaves together love for God, others, and self.
That’s the way of love.
Drawing from Steve’s application at the end of chapter (43-44), join me in taking a few minutes to
be attentive to God’s presence.
“Yes, right now!”
identify yourself in prodigal parable.
“Who are you most like in the story: the younger son, the older son, or the father?”
think about a challenging relationship.
Then creatively and anonymously express love to that person today.
Keep worshiping, fixing your eyes on, and pressing on in the upward hope of Christ Jesus. To God be the glory!
*Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Macchia is a thought provoking author and is the Founder and President of Leadership Transformations, Inc (LTI). LTI focuses on the spiritual formation needs of leaders and the spiritual discernment processes of leadership teams in local church and parachurch ministry settings nationwide. He is also the Director of the Pierce Center for Discipleship-Building at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Ruth, live in beautiful Lexington, MA and enjoy spending time with their two grown children and three beloved grandchildren.
**Chapter 2 in The Discerning Life: An Invitation to Notice God in Everything. Follow The Discerning Life tag for additional CMDA Northeast posts in The Discerning Life series. For related chapter resources offered by Leadership Tranformations, Inc., including a podcast and video, visit this page.