Midweek Reminder - Psalms
by Thomas B. Grosh IV, D.Min., CMDA Northeast Regional Director
Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night. — Psalm 1:1-2
Small groups studying Jesus in the Book of Psalms at Penn State - Hershey.
Today, inspired by the study of the Book of Psalms which I enjoyed at the Christian Medical Society (CMS) / CMDA at Penn State - Hershey College of Medicine, I offer the Bible Project’s overview for the midweek reminder. On Monday, CMS / CMDA began their fall study of Psalms by watching the above video and discussing references to Jesus’ Crucifixion in various Psalms, with particular attention to Psalm 22. May we embrace, not reject Christ the cornerstone of our faith.
Looking for a quick, short prayer guide as you press into the fall? Take a Psalm a day. Begin by watching the Bible Project video and then turning to Psalm 1. Return to Psalms / texts which the Lord impresses upon you. If you desire material for a small group study on the book of Psalms, please contact me. Yes, more from the Book of Psalms coming in future posts.
Please join me in taking a few minutes
Participants in CMDA - DC’s Rock Painting Party.
to dwell upon and then recommit to extending the Good News in life, practice, and ministry no matter the difficulties faced in these challenging times through the lens of Psalm 1.
pray for CMDA Chapters across the Northeast as they reach out to new students.
Praise: On Sunday I had opportunity to participate in a Rock Painting party with CMDA - DC. More on that in a future post.
By God’s grace I’ll connect with a small group at Dartmouth / Geisel on Friday evening. Pray for safe travel and connections which will be made at State College and Lord willing, Boston on this trip.
Connected with a CMDA ministry / campus in the Northeast? Then please let me know when your activities are up-and-running so that I can connect / visit.
prayerfully consider joining members of CMDA Northeast for our Annual Conference. This year we will meet October 28-30 at Sandy Cove (North East, Maryland). Dr. Janet Kim, Chief Medical Officer of Beacon Christian Community Health Center, will focus our time on addressing Resilience.
Praise: Our planning team recently met and we’re very excited to offer this gathering for those seeking fellowship with a community / network of Christ followers in healthcare professionals during these challenging times.
Note: We’ll also be joined by Pastor Bert Jones, CMDA Director of Leadership & Church Relations, and Dr. Mike Chupp, Chief Executive Officer of CMDA. Click here and stay tuned to the blog to learn more.
To God be the glory!