Dental Ministry Info-NATCON 23


Schedule of Dental Events

Lodging & Travel Reimbursement Plan

(Students & Residents only)

  • Registration: $150 (covered by Emerging Leaders in Dentistry Scholarship Fund)

  • Lodging: $100/person for lodging or up to the cost of the room (whichever is less)

  • Travel: 

    • Flying 400+ miles = up to $250 reimbursement  

    • Driving 300+ miles round trip = .30/mile (up to 600 miles or $180)

What will be needed for reimbursement?

  1. Names of ALL who shared the room

  2. Receipt from the student who paid for the room with the total cost

  3. Airfare receipt

  4. Total distance in miles traveled by car

AFTER the conference, fill out this Reimbursement Form, then email appropriate receipts to

Please allow 3-4 weeks from the time you submit your documentation until you receive your check in the mail.  Thank you!