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All Have Gifts From God

All Have Gifts From God

by Dan Jones, M.D.

II Timothy 1:6-7

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Paul is writing to young Timothy with advice.  They are close because of their common faith.  Paul wants Timothy to make the most of the gifts God has given him.  Paul uses an analogy here that speaks to most of us – the fanning of a flame.  Do you remember your experience building a fire your first time camping?  I remember the struggle to get a fire going.  I remember clearly fanning the first small flames to help it spread and take onto larger pieces of wood.  Here Paul is encouraging Timothy to take the gifts or talents God has given him and make them something larger that can be used well by God. 

God gives each of his children different gifts or talents to use in His Kingdom’s work.  All are not the same – thank goodness.  Occasionally, when there is a need for someone to perform math work in our family, I get a feeling of superiority over my wife, Lydia.  Math happens to be one of my strengths and not one of hers.  Then moments later, I hear her at the piano and I am reminded God gifted us both, but in different ways.  After seven years of piano lessons, sadly, I can play nothing on the piano.  God simply did not gift me with this talent. Everything Lydia plays on the piano sounds wonderful.  She is gifted.

For those of us privileged to be in the health professions, we need to recognize this is a gift from God.  The talents and skills needed in our work and preparation as well as the gift of the opportunity to go to school.  Let me encourage you to pause for a moment to take stock of God’s gifts to you.

Lord, thank you for your gifts to me.  Help me to recognize all that I have that is good is from you.

Dan Jones, M.D., MACP, FAHA, a board-certified Internist, a former medical missionary to Korea, professor of medicine at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Dean of the School of Medicine, and Chancellor of the University of Mississippi until 2015. Dr. Dan Jones is a member of CMDA.

Dr. Jones welcomes any comments or questions about what he has written and can be reached at -

Rounds with the Master, Spiritual Pearls from the Great Physician Devotionals are released every Monday and Thursday.

Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

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