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Change Your Perspective

Change Your Perspective

by Dan Jones, M.D.

Philemon 1:10-21

I appeal to you for my son Onesimus who became my son while I was in chains. Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me.

    I am sending him—who is my very heart—back to you. I would have liked to keep him with me so that he could take your place in helping me while I am in chains for the gospel. But I did not want to do anything without your consent, so that any favor you do will be spontaneous and not forced. Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good— no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother. He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as a man and as a brother in the Lord.

    So if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcome me. If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me. I, Paul, am writing this with my own hand. I will pay it back—not to mention that you owe me your very self. I do wish, brother, that I may have some benefit from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in Christ. Confident of your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I ask.

We conclude this three devotion series with words from another of Paul’s letters.  This letter is a very personal letter to one man, his friend Philemon.  In these words, Paul is appealing to his friend Philemon to welcome back a mutual acquaintance.  Onesimus was a slave belonging to Philemon.  At the time of writing this letter, Paul was in prison in Rome.  Onesimus had come to Rome to spend some time with Paul.  While with Paul, he apparently had a spiritual change in his life.  In this letter, Paul is appealing to Philemon to grant to Onesimus forgiveness and the gift of a new start in the relationship.

Paul was certainly in a position to understand the need for Onesimus to be given a second chance.  Imagine how difficult those first days after Paul’s conversion must have been.  He had been persecuting Christians and now he was asking for a new relationship with them.

New starts are not always easy to offer in a relationship.  When trust is lost for some reason, giving trust again is hard.  When I first arrived in Korea, I had a poor understanding of the culture and did not know the language.  My boss there, a fine Korean physician, I am sure was offended many times by my cultural blunders.  But he forgave me and offered me a fresh start later in my time in our relationship.  We now enjoy a bond through Christian friendship that is a treasure in my life.  God may be leading you to offer a new start to someone who has broken a trust with you.  God does change people.

Lord, give me a forgiving heart to offer a new start to those who offend me and break trust.  Thanks you for forgiving me of my sins and failures.

Dan Jones, M.D., MACP, FAHA, a board-certified Internist, a former medical missionary to Korea, professor of medicine at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Dean of the School of Medicine, and Chancellor of the University of Mississippi until 2015. Dr. Dan Jones is a member of CMDA.

Dr. Jones welcomes any comments or questions about what he has written and can be reached at -

Rounds with the Master, Spiritual Pearls from the Great Physician Devotionals are released every Monday and Thursday.

Photo by Matteo Kutufa on Unsplash

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