cmda is committed to bringing the hope and healing of Christ to the world through healthcare students and professionals

The Gospel - What It Is, Why we Need It and Why It Matters

The Gospel - What It Is, Why we Need It and Why It Matters

CMDA student groups exist largely to help students in healthcare integrate faith with their training and practice. But this assumes that we all already have a pretty good idea of precisely what the ‘faith’ is. As we increasingly find ourselves living in a post-Christian cultural context, many of the core convictions of the Christian faith are no longer common knowledge, and many myths and misapprehensions about Christianity have arisen in their place. 

Join us this fall and winter as we review one core element of the Christian faith each month. These 1-hour webinars will include a presentation from several of CMDA’s regional and national leaders and provide a space for questions and dialogue. Whether you are new to the faith and still learning the Christian lingo, or you’ve grown up in the church and feel very at home with these subjects, we invite you to come and join in the conversation as we seek to understand our faith better and be better equipped to share it with others.

The first installment will be on Oct 9 at 7 PM central. CMDA’s Southern Regional Director, Grant Hewitt, MDiv, will be unpacking the meaning of the gospel and why we need to know the gospel story well. We hope you can join us!

Photo by Anthony Garand on Unsplash

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