What a joy to once again host the CMDA Northeast Regional Conference at Sandy Cove (North East, Maryland. Thank you to everyone who was part of the weekend, but especially to our speakers Dr. Burton Lee and his wife Sandy Lee (CMDA-DC Area Director) as they helped us explore “The 4 M’s of Medicine.”
Please mark your calendar for October 24-26 when we’ll return to Sandy Cove to hear Dr. Stephen Ko share insights related to Faith Embodied: Glorifying God with Our Physical and Spiritual Health (Zondervan, 2024). We’ll begin preparing for our time together through an online book discussion. Stay tuned to learn more :-)
In February 2024, Theresa and I had the opportunity to speak at the New England retreat on Jesus as Divine Healer and King. Note: For this retreat CMDA partners with the Boston Healthcare Fellowship and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA.
Don’t miss the collection of photos which give you a snapshot of the region. Yes, many were taken while on the road, but several were shared with me by field staff. If you desire to connect online or in person, please contact me. Thank you!
New posts, with an emphasis on 1. Recovery, 2. Resilience, 3. Engaging “The Secular Age” coming in 2025. In the meantime, take a few minutes to prayerfully consider posts from the “blog archives”:
Justin Whitney Earley’s The Common Rule: Creating Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction (InterVarsity Press, 2019)
Stephen A. Macchia’s The Discerning Life: An Invitation to Notice God in Everything (Zondervan, 2022).
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus as by faith, praying for and encouraging one-another as we take next steps. To God be the glory!
Remedy24 @ Liberty U. (March 1 - 2) continued to challenge students to grow in missional living through
- presentations by missionaries, educators, and thought leaders
- exploration of ways to serve and expand skills and knowledge
- worshiping God together, inviting Him to shape hearts and guide next steps.
350+ participated. Join me in praying for Remedy25 to become a topic of conversation.
“Before I started school, I prayed for a group of believers to walk through medical school with me. The Lord has provided far above my expectations with our Christian Medical Society (CMS) / CMDA community! CMS has been a source of encouragement, accountability, spiritual growth and meaningful friendships. I am so grateful! ”