Exploring Embodied Faith
Episode #92
Bill and guest, Rev. Dr. Stephen Ko, author of the latest book, Faith Embodied discuss how we glorify God with our physical and spiritual health.
Reverend Dr. Stephen Ko (MD, MA, MPH, MDiv) is a pastor, physician, and author. He is passionate about the gospel, global health missions, and holistic ministry. In addition to seminary training, Dr. Ko’s healthcare specialties include pediatrics, preventive medicine, and public health. He has worked extensively in Africa and SE Asia on diseases of epidemic potential, helping low- and middle-income countries implement their national public health programs. Stephen enjoys helping individuals flourish in faith, mentoring church leaders, and teaching seminary and graduate students. He is passionate about “Vitality in Faith and Health” and writes at the intersection of faith, medicine, and public health. His recent book, Faith Embodied, helps readers experience God in every aspect of life, from flesh and bone to heart and soul. Follow him on Instagram or Facebook @drstephenko.
Learn more about Dr. Ko at https://www.drstephenko.com/
Faith Embodied by Dr. Ko
Fearfully & Wonderfully Made by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey
“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.” (Matthew 9:35 ESV)