cmda is committed to bringing the hope and healing of Christ to the world through healthcare students and professionals

God Desires Your Heart - Not Your Degree

God Desires Your Heart - Not Your Degree

Episode #11

Katie Butler, MD, is a trauma and critical care surgeon turned Christian writer and homeschooling mom. Dr. Butler completed a residency in general surgery and a fellowship in surgical critical care at

Massachusetts General Hospital, where she then joined the faculty in the division of trauma surgery. Dr. Butler left clinical practice in 2016 to homeschool her children. She contributes regularly to, and has also written for The Gospel Coalition, and Christianity

Today. Her book on end-of- life care through a Christian lens is anticipated from Crossway in 2019.

Being A Christian Physician in a Non-Christian World

Being A Christian Physician in a Non-Christian World

Race, Privilege and the Gospel

Race, Privilege and the Gospel