cmda is committed to bringing the hope and healing of Christ to the world through healthcare students and professionals

Medicine As A Christian Vocation

Medicine As A Christian Vocation

Episode #22

Jay Lynch Jr, MD FACP - Dr. Lynch received his BA from the University of Virginia and MD from Eastern VA Medical School in 1984.  In 1991 he returned to the UFCOM and has served in multiple roles during this tenure including, course director in Oncology (20 years), program director for hematology/oncology (13 years), section chief of hematology/oncology at the VAMC and now serves as the Assistant Dean for Admissions.  In 2006 was honored by the University of Florida as one of 5 Distinguished Teaching Scholars. He was co-founder with his wife of the Christian Study Center at the University of Florida and serves as its board president. He and his wife Laura, have 4 children and 3 grandchildren.  

On this podcast we discuss with Dr. Lynch this exciting new summer program in which medical students at the UFCOM are learning what it means to see their practice of medicine as a Christian Vocation.

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