Why People Give
by Tim Mares - CMDA Support Raising Coach
Do you know why your partners give financially to your ministry? What do they get out of partnering with you? Have you ever asked them? Does it matter whether we know or not? Should this understanding affect how and what we communicate with them?
The Lord commands His people to reflect His values, vision, and character. Interdependence between His people in worship of Him, displays of service and generosity, and working together to build His kingdom all greatly pleases Him.
When you pursue relationships and partnerships with other Christians, God is honored and blesses this. So we ask Christians to give time, talents, prayers, and financial resources to HIM. Let them understand WHY you are involved in this ministry and WHAT is the vision of this ministry. ASK them to consider joining your team. Ultimately, it’s not your money or theirs. It’s God’s! And when they give away a portion of what God has provided for them, they are growing in their trust that He will faithfully still provide for them. God has provided for them a portion of finances they are to give back to Him. You don’t know what that looks like, and they may not either because God often changes His leading for people. So God is using you to help them keep seeking the Lord.
A key factor in why people give is TRUST. Trusting the Lord. Trusting you. Trusting the vision and the strategy of the ministry. Trusting CMDA. They trust their commitment will make a difference and have an impact.
They see it as an act of worship and trust in the Lord that He is their provider, even if they give some of these resources away. They see giving to Christian ministries as obeying the Lord.
They want to make an impact in God’s kingdom and seeing your ministry vision fulfilled.
They value you and their relationship with you.
They believe in CMDA as an organization with shared values, mission, and theologically.
They feel a personal connection to a specific aspect of your ministry: public policy, student ministry, healthcare ministry, overseas missions, location, etc.
They serve in your ministry, so it’s natural for them to want to contribute.
They know the importance of your type of ministry because they have experienced it or understand the need.
They experience satisfaction as it touches the image of God in them, e.g., love, compassion, generosity, and impact. Secular studies have shown that people receive more satisfaction in giving away money than spending it on themselves.
The Sheep Factor means people are influenced by knowing others are already giving. Giving helps people identify with the Body of Christ and be a part of something greater than themselves.
They are unable to serve in your ministry so giving funds provide a connection.
People can take advantage of the US counting financial gifts toward a tax deduction.
People like to give as a family, a Bible study group, or some other group to strengthen their bond by taking steps of commitment together.
A Psychology Today study noted that 85% of respondents said they gave was simply because someone asked them. Jesus said, “it is better to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35) and commands people to give so pursue people in confidence that God has called you to your ministry and He’ll provide the people to "supply your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19) Paul explains part of his motives for asking for money in Phil. 4:17, “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.”
Photo by Kate Remmer on Unsplash