cmda is committed to bringing the hope and healing of Christ to the world through healthcare students and professionals

Match Day To Move-In Webinars

CMDA exclusive Resident Match Day to Move-In Webinar

Register Now!

What I Wish I Knew Before Residency

April 10 | 8 p.m. ET (7 p.m. CT, 6 p.m. MT and 5 p.m. PT) 

Do you wish you could have more insight to what residency is really like? Here’s your chance! Hear from our CMDA Resident Panel what they wish they knew before beginning residency. Have a question you’d like to ask? Send questions to - and join us for their answers.

The Panel

Loving Our Neighbor: A Christian Response to a Changing World

Loving Our Neighbor: A Christian Response to a Changing World

Prayer And Fasting For The Dobbs Case

Prayer And Fasting For The Dobbs Case