"Mythical Me" - Book Reflections 3
by Thomas B. Grosh IV, CMDA Northeast Regional Director
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. - A. W. Tozer, quoted on page 37.
Richella A. Parham begins the Mythical Me: Finding Freedom from Constant Comparison (InterVarsity Press, 2019) by outlining The Problem: The Distorted Vision (Chapters 1-3). In Part 2 (Chapters 4-6), she offers The Promise: The Corrected Vision. Part 3 (Chapters 7-10) advances The Path: Learning to Walk in the Light.
In our first reflection on Mythical Me, I explore the author’s experience of the comparison trap through The Mythical Composite Woman. My second reflection confesses some of the pressures I found in and the next steps I took in addressing comparitivism. I conclude, by asking the reader to join me in
a social media self audit.
a self assessment, with feedback.
Last week I engaged in a self assessment with my wife. While taking a few days away to celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary, we gave a significant portion of our time to discussing life together in the past, the present, and what we see unfolding in the future. Listening to one-another as we shared self assessments was a valuable part of our time together. In addition, Chapters 4-6 of Mythical Me offered particularly helpful insights for correcting vision to followers of Christ taking next steps after a challenging year.
Truth About God (Chapter 4)
Truth About Ourselves (Chapter 5)
Truth About Others (Chapter 6)
In the coming week, prayerfully consider how you articulate the truth about God, ourselves, and others. To provoke your thought, a question from the end of Chapters 4, 5, and 6:
What do you think the statement “God is love” means? Reflect on the fact that God never runs short of love. Write a few sentences describing how this fact makes you feel (49).
Note: Texts mentioned in the Chapter 4 include John 3:35, 14:31, 16:14; 1 John 4:8. A recording of The Love of God by Sara Groves is linked to below. To learn more about the hymn by Frederick M. Lehman (1917) visit Hymnary.
Make a list of things you know to be true about yourself. Looking back at that list, place a star beside each positive fact and circle each negative fact. Do you think you have a negativity bias about yourself? If so, why? (62)
Have you ever felt that you must compete with others for love and blessing? Write down any specific instances that come to mind (77).
Stay tuned for interaction with The Promise: The Corrected Vision, i.e., Part 2 of Mythical Me.
Keep fixing your eyes on, worshipping, and pressing on in the upward hope of our Lord and Savior.
To God be the glory!