cmda is committed to bringing the hope and healing of Christ to the world through healthcare students and professionals

Overcoming Fears In Fundraising - Part 2

Overcoming Fears In Fundraising - Part 2

by Tim Mares - CMDA Support Raising Coach

(Part 2 of 3)


We want people to like us. We don’t like being told no. It can feel too personal. It’s not about us (thank God), and they are only saying God hasn’t provided them money earmarked for the particular ministry you represent at this time. Our identity is in Christ, Who won’t ever reject us. 


Ever loaned money to a friend, and it took longer than you expected to get paid back? Money can strain a friendship. It feels so personal, especially since it’s easy to feel disrespected or taken advantage of. We can easily become attached to money. Money can pay bills, buy comfort, provide savings, and a false sense of security. There’s a reason Jesus says we can’t serve God and mammon. Remember, it’s not really about the money. God can provide the funds for them and for us. Don’t assume the relationship is fragile. God cares more about the relationship than you do. 


We choose whether to bring awkward feelings into the ASK. You set the tone by modeling a relaxed rapport with joy and contentment that encourages others the freedom to say yes or no while you share the vision, need, and opportunity. How you respond to their answer further cements this relationship of freedom and trust. The ASK can even deepen the bond as you both share below the surface about yourselves and the Lord.


How do you feel when people ask you for money? Has anyone ever made an appointment with you and asked for money? How did it go? Be careful not to project onto other people. Paul repeatedly encourages us by reminding we are IN Christ. Engaging your insecurities provides a great opportunity for growth. Ultimately this is about you and your partners trusting the Lord to provide even while giving away His provisions as you walk by faith.


What if we fumble through our words, or our vision doesn’t seem so compelling? Be authentic. God has given you a ministry of eternal transformation by His Word and Spirit. “I know it’s about a partnership, but sometimes I just want them to give me money. I haven’t spoken with them in years, and now I am calling them out of the blue. Halfway through the conversation, they’ll know I’m calling to ask for money.” 

Raising support is a great excuse to get to know them better. Maybe this is what God will use to reignite or start your friendship! Perhaps you are God’s instrument as He wants them to give to Him, and they need someone to ask. If I waited until my motives were perfect before doing anything, I might not make it out of bed each day. Besides, 

Photo by Tonik on Unsplash

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