In this week's midweek reminder, let us turn to the book of Psalms.
What is the condition of the soil of your soul? - Stephen A. Macchia
In this week's midweek reminder, let us be reminded to dwell in “the creed.”
What, then, makes for a discerning and hospitable community, whether in a church, a team, a family, or a group? - Steve Maachia, 112-114
In this week's midweek reminder, let us be reminded to declare: Hail Hail Lion of Judah. In all of our labors (with head, heart, and hands), Let the Lion roar.
In opening Chapter 4: Presence: Spiritual Discernment is Relationship, I knew this was going to speak into my life in a deep manner. I gave significant time to hitting the pause button in order to interact with these questions drawn from a list offered toward the end of the chapter (88-89).
Why a midweek reminder? Although Christ’s ambassadors, we all too easily become distracted by the temptations of this world and fall short of extending Jesus Christ, our living hope.
Stephen A. Macchia’s consideration of Listening: Spiritual Discernment is Prayerful in The Discerning Life: An Invitation to Notice God in Everything reminded me that at various times (and through various seasons) I have found it hard to engage in the regular, deep practice of prayer. His comparison of “a life of prayerful noticing” to “a long winter with snow in the forecast every week” struck me as an apt description of our journey through COVID-19.
Recently when singing In Christ Alone by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend, the Lord once again impressed upon me the importance of returning to the Gospel story throughout the day (and week).
Abundant love, especially to the self-righteous and the sinner, makes no sense whatsoever. But to those who come to their senses and turn back home, extravagant love is their healing balm. - Stephen A. Macchia
If you’re planning on doing an away mission rotation or short-term trip in the coming year, CMDA has scholarships you should apply for!
Engaged in CMDA’s student ministry in the Northeast, whether as a student, campus advisor, mentor, or staff / volunteer? Then don’t miss today’s update sent by the CMDA Northeast Student Representatives — Thank you Matt and Thomas!
As we press into midweek, let us not forget to give our burdens to and to seek / receive our strength from God, who is our Good and Gracious King.
Inspired by new students beginning orientation at Penn State Hershey College of Medicine and others who will be doing likewise across the Northeast over the course of the next several weeks…
May you find “Jesus Strong and Kind” a blessing as you engage this new week.
At the invitation of Dr. Miriam R. Wheeler, members of CMDA in South Central Pennsylvania had the privilege to receive an introduction to ABWE’s Healthcare Ministries at their international headquarters in New Cumberland, PA.
Where does God show up the most obviously for you? - Stephen A. Macchia
Spiritual discernment isn’t just for the individuals, it’s for the community. It’s much more about us and we than I and me. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Every marathoner needs running companions to keep in stride, friends on the sidelines offering cups of cold water, and cheering crowds offering words of encouragement all the way to the finish line. - Stephen A. Macchia
Throughout this day and the challenges we face after a weekend of celebrations, join me in singing Your Will be Done by Jonny Robinson and Rich Thompson of City Alight.