Listening - The Discerning Life Series

Stephen A. Macchia’s consideration of Listening: Spiritual Discernment is Prayerful in The Discerning Life: An Invitation to Notice God in Everything reminded me that at various times (and through various seasons) I have found it hard to engage in the regular, deep practice of prayer. His comparison of “a life of prayerful noticing” to “a long winter with snow in the forecast every week” struck me as an apt description of our journey through COVID-19.

Hospitality: Spiritual Discernment is Communal

Spiritual discernment isn’t just for the individuals, it’s for the community. It’s much more about us and we than I and me. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Every marathoner needs running companions to keep in stride, friends on the sidelines offering cups of cold water, and cheering crowds offering words of encouragement all the way to the finish line. - Stephen A. Macchia